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5/16" Standoffs (Threaded)

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*Slightly Chamfered to Permit Smooth Entry / Fit.

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Length Part
Length Part
Length Part
Length Part
P781 1/16 P830 53/64 P879 1- 19/32 P928 2- 23/64 P977 4 INCH
P782 5/64 P831 27/32 P880 1- 39/64 P929 2- 3/8 P978 4- 1/8
P783 3/32 P832 55/64 P881 1- 5/8 P930 2- 25/64 P979 4- 1/4
P784 7/64 P833 7/8 P882 1- 41/64 P931 2- 13/32 P980 4-3/8
P785 1/8 P834 57/64 P883 1- 21/32 P932 2- 27/64 P981 4- 1/2
P786 9/64 P835 29/32 P884 1- 43/64 P933 2- 7/16 P982 4-5/8
P787 5/32 P836 59/64 P885 1- 11/16 P934 2- 29/64 P983 4-3/4
P788 11/64 P837 15/16 P886 1- 45/64 P935 2- 15/32 P984 4-7/8
P789 3/16 P838 61/64 P887 1- 23/32 P936 2- 31/64 P985 5 INCH
P790 13/64 P839 31/32 P888 1- 47/64 P937 2- 1/2 P986 5-1/8
P791 7/32 P840 63/64 P889 1- 3/4 P938 2- 33/64 P987 5-1/4
P792 15/64 P841 1 INCH P890 1- 49/64 P939 2- 17/32 P988 5-3/8
P793 1/4 P842 1- 1/64 P891 1- 25/32 P940 2- 35/64 P989 5-1/2
P794 17/64 P843 1- 1/32 P892 1- 51/64 P941 2- 9/16 P990 5-5/8
P795 9/32 P844 1- 3/64 P893 1- 13/16 P942 2- 37/64 P991 5-3/4
P796 19/64 P845 1- 1/16 P894 1- 53/64 P943 2- 19/32 P992 5-7/8
P797 5/16 P846 1- 5/64 P895 1- 27/32 P944 2- 39/64 P993 6 INCH
P798 21/64 P847 1- 3/32 P896 1- 55/64 P945 2- 5/8 P994 6-1/8
P799 11/32 P848 1- 7/64 P897 1- 7/8 P946 2- 41/64 P995 6-1/4
P800 23/64 P849 1- 1/8 P898 1- 57/64 P947 2- 21/32 P996 6-3/8
P801 3/8 P850 1- 9/64 P899 1- 29/32 P948 2- 43/64 P997 6-1/2
P802 25/64 P851 1- 5/32 P900 1- 59/64 P949 2- 11/16 P998 6-5/8
P803 13/32 P852 1- 11/64 P901 1- 15/16 P950 2- 45/64 P999 6-3/4
P804 27/64 P853 1- 3/16 P902 1- 61/64 P951 2- 23/32 P1000 6-7/8
Length Part
Length Part
Length Part
Length Part
P805 7/16 P854 1- 13/64 P903 1- 31/32 P952 2- 47/64 P1001 7 INCH
P806 29/64 P855 1- 7/32 P904 1- 63/64 P953 2- 3/4 P1002 7-1/8
P807 15/32 P856 1- 15/64 P905 2 INCH P954 2- 49/64 P1003 7-1/4
P808 31/64 P857 1- 1/4 P906 2- 1/64 P955 2- 25/32 P1004 7-3/8
P809 1/2 P858 1- 17/64 P907 2- 1/32 P956 2- 51/64 P1005 7-1/2
P810 33/64 P859 1- 9/32 P908 2- 3/64 P957 2- 13/16 P1006 7-5/8
P811 17/32 P860 1- 19/64 P909 2- 1/16 P958 2- 53/64 P1007 7-3/4
P812 35/64 P861 1- 5/16 P910 2- 5/64 P959 2- 27/32 P1008 7-7/8
P813 9/16 P862 1- 21/64 P911 2- 3/32 P960 2- 55/64 P1009 8 INCH
P814 37/64 P863 1- 11/32 P912 2- 7/64 P961 2- 7/8 P1010 8-1/8
P815 19/32 P864 1- 23/64 P913 2- 1/8 P962 2- 57/64 P1011 8-1/4
P816 39/64 P865 1- 3/8 P914 2- 9/64 P963 2- 29/32 P1012 8-3/8
P817 5/8 P866 1- 25/64 P915 2- 5/32 P964 2- 59/64 P1013 8-1/2
P818 41/64 P867 1- 13/32 P916 2- 11/64 P965 2- 15/16 P1014 8-5/8
P819 21/32 P868 1- 27/64 P917 2- 3/16 P966 2- 61/64 P1015 8-3/4
P820 43/64 P869 1- 7/16 P918 2- 13/64 P967 2- 31/32 P1016 8-7/8
P821 11/16 P870 1- 29/64 P919 2- 7/32 P968 2- 63/64 P1017 9 INCH
P822 45/64 P871 1- 15/32 P920 2- 15/64 P969 3 INCH P1018 9-1/8
P823 23/32 P872 1- 31/64 P921 2- 1/4 P970 3-1/8 P1019 9-1/4
P824 47/64 P873 1- 1/2 P922 2- 17/64 P971 3-1/4 P1020 9-3/8
P825 3/4 P874 1- 33/64 P923 2- 9/32 P972 3-3/8 P1021 9-1/2
P826 49/64 P875 1- 17/32 P924 2- 19/64 P973 3-1/2 P1022 9-5/8
P827 25/32 P876 1- 35/64 P925 2- 5/16 P974 3-5/8 P1023 9-3/4
P828 51/64 P877 1- 9/16 P926 2- 21/64 P975 3-3/4 P1024 9-7/8
P829 13/16 P878 1- 37/64 P927 2- 11/32 P976 3-7/8 P1025 10 INCH

Phone:  973-674-1700        Toll Free:  1-800-526-1389        Fax:  973-674-3803

UNICORP is a leader in manufacturing stock and custom
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