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Metric 4mm Standoffs (Threaded)

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*Slightly Chamfered to Permit Smooth Entry / Fit.

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Length Part
Length Part
Length Part
Length Part
MP201 1 MP232 16.5 MP263 32 MP294 47.5 MP324 62.5
MP202 1.5 MP233 17 MP264 32.5 MP295 48 MP325 63
MP203 2 MP234 17.5 MP265 33 MP296 48.5 MP326 63.5
MP204 2.5 MP235 18 MP266 33.5 MP297 49 MP327 64
MP205 3 MP236 18.5 MP267 34 MP298 49.5 MP328 64.5
MP206 3.5 MP237 19 MP268 34.5 MP299 50 MP329 65
MP207 4 MP238 19.5 MP269 35 MP300 50.5 MP330 65.5
MP208 4.5 MP239 20 MP270 35.5 MP301 51 MP331 66
MP209 5 MP240 20.5 MP271 36 MP302 51.5 MP332 66.5
MP210 5.5 MP241 21 MP272 36.5 MP303 52 MP333 67
MP211 6 MP242 21.5 MP273 37 MP304 52.5 MP334 67.5
MP212 6.5 MP243 22 MP274 37.5 MP305 53 MP335 68
MP213 7 MP244 22.5 MP275 38 MP306 53.5 MP336 68.5
MP214 7.5 MP245 23 MP276 38.5 MP307 54 MP337 69
MP215 8 MP246 23.5 MP277 39 MP308 54.5 MP338 69.5
MP216 8.5 MP247 24 MP278 39.5 MP309 55 MP339 70
MP217 9 MP248 24.5 MP279 40 MP310 55.5 MP340 70.5
MP218 9.5 MP249 25 MP280 40.5 MP311 56 MP341 71
MP219 10 MP250 25.5 MP281 41 MP312 56.5 MP342 71.5
MP220 10.5 MP251 26 MP282 41.5 MP313 57 MP343 72
MP221 11 MP252 26.5 MP283 42 MP314 57.5 MP344 72.5
MP222 11.5 MP253 27 MP284 42.5 MP315 58 MP345 73
MP223 12 MP254 27.5 MP285 43 MP316 58.5 MP346 73.5
MP224 12.5 MP255 28 MP286 43.5 MP317 59 MP347 74
MP225 13 MP256 28.5 MP287 44 MP318 59.5 MP348 74.5
MP226 13.5 MP257 29 MP288 44.5 MP319 60 MP349 75
MP227 14 MP258 29.5 MP289 45 MP320 60.5 MP350 75.5
MP228 14.5 MP259 30 MP290 45.5 MP321 61 MP351 76
MP229 15 MP260 30.5 MP291 46 MP322 61.5 MP352 76.5
MP230 15.5 MP261 31 MP292 46.5 MP323 62 MP353 77
MP231 16 MP262 31.5 MP293 47 X X X X

Phone:  973-674-1700        Toll Free:  1-800-526-1389        Fax:  973-674-3803

UNICORP is a leader in manufacturing stock and custom
electronic hardware, handles and precision fasteners used by leading companies
in nearly every industry since 1971.

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